number of trials left: 1000000
Vectors and Scalars
A car travels 55 km northeast. Then, on the second day it travels 75 km in a direction
south of east. Calculate the overall displacement and distance traveled.
Displacement: 96.3 km Distance: 130 km
Displacement: 87.1 km Distance: 130 km
Displacement: 117.9 km Distance: 130 km
Displacement: 90.1 km Distance: 130 km
What do we pay for when we travel by taxi and what do we pay for when we travel on an airplane? Distance or displacement?
Taxi: Distance Airplane: Distance
Taxi: Distance Airplane Displacement
Taxi: Displacement Airplane: Distance
Taxi: Displacement Airplane: Displacement
Convert the following units: a) 144 km/h into m/s b) 54 cm/s into m/s c) 30 m/s into km/h
a: 40 m/s b: 0.54 m/s c: 54 km/h
a: 40 m/s b: 0.27 m/s c: 108 km/h
a: 40 m/s b: 0.54 m/s c: 108 km/h
a: 20 m/s b:0.27 m/s c: 54 km/h
Serik and Sanzhar can run at speeds of 5m/s and 7 m/s, respectively. They finish 500 m race together since Sanzhar starts after a time interval
seconds later than Serik. Find the time
6 s
25 s
5 s
2 s
A police car moving at 150 km/h is chasing a lorry moving at 110 km/h. If the chase starts when distance between them was 400 m, how many seconds later and at what distance from its initial position does the police car catch the lorry?
72 seconds and 150 meters
36 seconds and 1500 meters
28 seconds and 750 meters
72 seconds and 1100 meters
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