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Newton's Third Law and Gravitation
A ball with a mass of 0.5 kg hits a gym ceinling with a force of 80 N. What happens next?
A. The ball accelerates downward with a force of 85N
B. The ball accelerates downward woth a force of 80N
C. The ball accelerates downward with a force of 4.9 N
D. It depends on the height of the ceiling
A student weighing 600 N stands on a spring scale in an elevator. If the scale reads 400 N, the elevator must be..
A. Accelerating upward
B. Accelerating downward
C. Moving upward at constant speed
D. Moving downward at constant speed
Two water-skiers, with masses of 48 kg and 61 kg, are preparing to be towed behind the same boat. Whrn the boat accelerates, the rope the skiers hold onto accelerates with it and exerts a net forceof 290 N on the skiers. At what rate will the skiers accelerate?
A. 10.8 m/s^2
B. 2.7 m/s^2
C. 6.0 m/s^2 and 4.8 m/s^2
D. 5.3 m/s^2
WHich of the following is true?
A. Earth exerts a force due to gravity on your body, and your body exerts a smaller force on the Earth, because your mass is smaller than the mass of the Earth
B. The Moon orbits the Earth because the Earth exerts a force on the Moon and the Moon exerts a force equal in magnitude and direction on the Earth
C. A rocket taking off exerts a force on the Earth equal to the force the Earth exerts on the rocket
D. An airplane cruising at a constant speed is not affected by gravity
A force applied to accelerate an object on a smooth icy surface. When the force stops, which of the following will be true?
A.The objects acceleration becomes zero
B. The objects speed becomes zero
C.The objects acceleration continues to increase at a constant rate
D. The obect accelerates, but in the opposite direction
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